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Officials at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) are letting students, staff, and faculty know that applications for the N.E.W. Leadership Institute are now open until March 8, 2018. N.E.W. Leadership is a five-day institute on the University of Oklahoma campus that is specifically for undergraduate women from colleges and universities across that state of Oklahoma.
Participants will spend the duration of the institute on the Norman Campus of the University of Oklahoma, while attending workshops geared toward politics and public service. Each year, the program only accepts around 35 undergraduate women to attend.
The institute is free to attend due to donor support, and all majors and ages are welcome to apply. NEO has had several participants accepted in recent years due to their application and excellent references.
For more information about the N.E.W. Leadership institute, contact Dr. Seonae Ha-Birdsong or Dr. Jeff Birdsong at sbirdsong@neo.edu or jbirdsong@neo.edu. To begin the current application process, visit www.ou.edu/wli.
(Photo: NEO’s Jeanette Hughes is pictured with the other attendees.)