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In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Offices and campus will be closed Monday, Jan 20th. Campus will reopen Jan 21st.

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A wide variety of intramural sports are provided for NEO students to participate in friendly competition with one another. Sign up EARLY for intramural sports! You can find sign ups online here or in the Student Union.

All games are on Tuesdays and start at 6:00 pm and usually end by 7:30 pm.

Please submit teams to the Student Center in the Student Union Office 128B.


FALL 2022 – August 23 – November 29

Note: Holiday will be an automatic bye week

Volleyball – TUESDAYS, August 23-September 6
All games are held in the Student Activity Center. First event is open run with sign ups on-site for the following week. Pool play into bracket play co-ed teams.

Flag FootballTUESDAYS, September 20-October 18 –  Rules
All games are held on the Intramural Field on the Southeast side of campus (by the softball field). Games start at 6:00 pm each Monday. First event is open run with sign ups on-site for the following week. Pool play into bracket play for Championship. 

5v5 Basketball  TUESDAYS, October 25-November 29Rules
All games are held in the Student Activity Center unless otherwise noted. Games start at 6:00 pm. First event is open run with sign ups on-site for the following week. Pool play into bracket play for Championship.

SPRING 2023 – January 17 – May 4

3v3 BasketballTUESDAYS, January 17 – 31Rules
All games are held in the Student Activity Center unless otherwise noted. Games start at 6:00 pm. First event is open run with sign ups on-site for the following week. Pool play into bracket play for Championship.

Indoor SoccerTUESDAYS, February 14 – March 21
All games are played in the Student Activity Center unless otherwise noted. Games start at 6:00 pm. First event is open run with sign ups on-site for the following week. Pool play into bracket play for Championship.

SoftballTUESDAYS, April 4 – 18Rules
All games are held at the Joe Booth Softball Complex across from the Ottawa County Fairgrounds. Games start at 6:00 pm. First event is open run with sign ups on-site for the following week. Pool play into bracket play for Championship.

Outdoor 3v3 TournamentTUESDAYS, April 27 and May 4
Outdoor courts with music (DJ), cookout food (Sodexo), straight tournament style with both ends of the court going at once.


Jeremy Jackson
Jeremy Jackson Men's Basketball Head Coach & SAC Coordinator
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