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Discover a fulfilling career in STEM! Science. Technology. Engineering. Mathematics.

Pathways to STEM Careers at NEO

Selectable image labeled Computer Information System.

Selectable image labeled Medical Lab Technician.

Selectable image labeled Natural Sciences.

Selectable image labeled Nursing, Associate Degree.

Selectable image labeled Physical Therapist Assistant.

Selectable image labeled Pre-Engineering & Math.

Selectable image labeled Pre=Health Sciences.

Selectable image labeled Pre-Veterinary Medicine.

Photo of people collaborating on a STEM project.

Did you know?

STEM careers are among the fastest growing, in-demand, and highest paying occupations in the U.S.

Take your first step to becoming a Norseman

We’ve made it easy to apply. You’ll complete your application online. It only takes about 30 minutes to apply.

There is no deadline for application submission; however, the earlier you get started the more time you have to ensure everything is ready when it is time to enroll. To be admitted as a degree seeking student, you must have either graduated high school or received a high school equivalency.

Selectable image labeled" You can also take advantage of NEO’s transfer agreements to achieve a bachelor’s degree."

We’re ready to help.

There’s a lot to think about when going to school. We’re ready to help you step-by-step through the entire process. Schedule a personalized appointment with a student success advisor.
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