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The Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) Rodeo Team competed in Alva, Okla., for the final fall season National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) rodeo. The Northwestern Oklahoma State University Rodeo saw the men’s team take third among two-year colleges. The highlight for NEO was the performance by Jake Clay, who timed 11.7 seconds in Team Roping and took first place. For the women’s team, Kirstie Williams took second in Barrel Racing, running just .35 seconds behind the leader. Clay, a freshman Animal Science major from Sapulpa, Okla., ran header alongside Southeastern Oklahoma State Univeristy’s (SEOKSU) Levi Pettigrew on heeler. The pair edged out Norseman alumni Laramie Warren, now at SEOKSU, by .2 seconds. McKade Wickett, a freshman Ag Business major from Muldrow, Okla., teamed up with Brady Hagler, a Pathways Program senior Ag Business major from Salem, Mo., to take seventh in team roping. NEO also had success in bareback bronco riding, with Jared Nicholson, a freshman Animal Science major from Skiatook, Okla., taking fifth in the event. The women’s team was led by Williams, a Pathways Program junior Agriculture major from Leach, Okla., who finished second in barrel racing. She was joined by Camrin Sellers, a sophomore agriculture business major from Cherokee, Kan., who finished top-ten earlier in the year at the Colby Community College Rodeo. “This fall season went great,” said Head Coach Kolby Ungeheuer. “We had several rodeo athletes break the top 10 at all four college fall rodeos. I was very pleased with a strong showing from this relatively young NEO Rodeo Team!”
NEO will host the 9th Annual Alumni Rodeo on Saturday, Nov. 17, in the NEO Indoor Arena. Long rounds will start at 10 a.m. and short rounds at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and children 12 and under are free. The high point high school senior will win a two-year tuition scholarship worth over $4,500. The NEO Development Foundation also funds two textbook scholarships. The events include bareback bronc, saddle bronc, bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing, team roping, breakaway roping, and goat tying. The events will award a top twelve made up of six alumni and six high school students. There will also be cash prizes.
Before the short rounds, the NEO Aggies will host a barbecue cookout at 5:30 p.m., which is included in the admission cost. “We are really excited about hosting our 9th annual NEO Alumni/Recruiting Rodeo. It is always a great day watching the top high school recruits compete side by side our alumni competitors,” added Ungeheuer. “We always have a great day of rodeo action and this year we will be adding a championship match that pairs the high school champion versus the alumni champ, which should be fun to watch!” For more information, contact Kolby Ungeheuer at 918-540-6480. (Photo from left: Brady Hagler, Kirstie Williams, Jared Nicholson, and McKade Wickett)