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Members of the Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) Agriculture Education club traveled to Nichols Elementary School to teach over 150 fifth grade students about soil science. The day included NEO students teaching the elementary students about soil texture, soil water, and how plants interact with soil. “This is a great way for our Agriculture Education club to give back to the community of Miami,” said Alisen Anderson, Ag Ed. sponsor and Agriculture instructor. “Sharing their passion for agriculture and education with younger students will hopefully ignite their fire for agriculture. We are so grateful for the opportunity to teach about our industry. I am so incredibly proud of all of the students who participated. They made great lesson plans and got a real-world experience of a teacher!”

The Ag. Ed., established by the late Mr. Roger Fent, is dedicated to giving NEO students classroom experience, while also improving the college. The Ag. Ed. club is involved in on-campus events such as homecoming, Aggie Days, and coordinating events such as the Roger Fent Memorial Luncheon, as well as off-campus activities like teacher shadowing and lesson plan development. For more information about Ag. Ed. club activities or the Roger Fent Memorial Luncheon, contact Alisen Anderson at Alisen.Anderson@neo.edu

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