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Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College choir students traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, for their first regional tour and performance.
“After months of fundraising, and a generous donation from NEO’s Presidential Partners, we made this trip possible,” said NEO Choir director Dr. Tatiana Taylor. “I believe this trip will be one the students will remember for years to come, and I hope we can implement this tradition for other choral students in the future.”
The tour featured a trip to Quincey Market, exploring the Freedom Trail, and a collaborative concert with Bunker Hill Community College students.
“The Boston tour was an incredible experience,” said Natalie Noel, NEO freshman music student from Wyandotte, Oklahoma. “I had never been on an airplane or visited the east coast. I am so happy to be a member of the NEO Choir.”
Taylor coordinated the concert with Dr. Riikka Pietiläinen Caffrey, a professor of music at BHCC. Caffrey is a native Finn. She holds degrees in choral conducting and jazz. Caffrey previously visited the NEO campus to guest-conduct a concert featuring current and former NEO students.
The choir performed music inspired by stars, cosmic energy, space, nature, and earth. Selections included compositions from the Baroque period, such as Henry Purcell’s “In These Delightful Pleasant Groves” and the Romantic era “O Schöne Nacht” by Brahms.
International composers were represented by pieces such as “Deep in the Night” by Jussi Chydenius, and new works were premiered, “Starfall” by Lyrik Fulton and “Beyond the Horizon” by Louie Steptoe. Other composers on the program included Sarah Quartel, Katerine Gimon, and a Venezuelan folk song arranged by Dr. Cristian Grases.
For more information, please contact Dr. Tatiana Taylor at tatiana.e.taylor@neo.edu or 918-540-6170.
Pictured above, Front row: Araina Snell, Hannah Morris, Goldie Snow, Dr. Tatiana Taylor, Dustin Warner, Natalie Noel, Priscilla Silva Vilar. Middle row: Luke Cole, Blake Hensley, Sam Whitehill, Joseph Zane Bilinsky, Zaynia Davis, Gavriel Epperson. Back row: Kaleb Jinks, Jamari Morris, Gracie Gooch, Jessika Ferguson.