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The Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) Honors Program hosted its annual Honors and Service-Learning Symposium on Monday, March 24. The Honors and Service-Learning Symposium is held each spring, providing Honors students the opportunity to present their research or service-learning projects to an audience beyond the classroom.

As these students pursue undergraduate and graduate studies, experiences like this will prepare them for defending theses or presenting to professional groups.

“The symposium offers valuable practice in articulating their work in a formal setting, enhancing their communication and presentation skills,” said NEO Honors Program coordinator Bobbie Pennington.


Lillian Kichler – Revisiting the Rococo Period

Katelyn Long – Aces and Depression

Kylie Hurd – Evaluating the Effectiveness of MGA vs. 5-Day Select Synch + CIDR and Tai Protocols in Heifer Synchronization

Madilynn Campbell – Horses in Motion

Jacob Szukelewicz, Shane Kendell & Cooper McNally – The Future of Farming: Challenges and Opportunities for the Next Generation of Farmers

Kendra Long – Max in Motion: Robotics at NEO

Pictures from the event can be found on NEO’s Flickr.

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