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Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College agriculture department hosted nearly 2,000 students from Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas at the 72nd annual Aggie Days.
Aggie Days is an annual three-day interscholastic agriculture contest for members of FFA. More than 200 students competed in speech competitions, nearly 800 competed in horse and livestock judging competitions, almost 900 competed in the 15 career development contests run by NEO ag students and faculty.
The event allows NEO to showcase the campus and the college’s 200 acre Synar Farm, where cattle, hogs, and sheep are raised.
“We love having the blue jackets on campus and at the college farm for Aggie Days,” said NEO Agriculture department chair Dr. Mary Booth. “Our faculty and students provided high quality contests for FFA students to compete and prepare for their upcoming state competitions. Aggie Days truly is Branded in Tradition!”
For more information, contact NEO Agriculture department chair Dr. Mary Booth at mary.booth@neo.edu or 918-540-6998.