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The NEO Livestock Judging Team traveled to Jackson, Mississippi in early February to compete at the Dixie National Livestock Show and Rodeo. The 54 year old show is considered the largest rodeo east of the Mississippi and draws over 100,000 attendees each year. The NEO team claimed reserve champions in both sophomore and freshman categories at the event.
Judgers competed in Brahman, Continental, English, Steer, and Reasons. Continental and Steer proved the best categories for the teams, with the sophomores claiming high team in Continental and reserve high team in Steer. Cagney Effling, a sophomore from Highmore, South Dakota, placed reserve high individual in Steer. The freshman team earned reserve high in Continental and high team in Steer, with Mattie Haynes, a freshman from Jay, Okla. finishing high individual in Continental and fourth high in Steer.
“It was great to see the sophomore team being rewarded for their efforts,” said Taylor Graham, Livestock Judging head coach. “It was also great to celebrate an excellent end for the freshmen team’s year.”
The teams had several individuals finish in the top ten, with Haynes earning reserve high individual overall for the freshmen, while also claiming high individual in Reasons and fourth high in Brahman. Effling also secured several individual honors including third high sophomore overall, third high in English, and fifth high in Reasons.
For more information about NEO livestock judging, contact Taylor Graham at taylor.graham10@neo.edu.