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The Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College rodeo teams finished their final three rodeos for the season and qualified six team members for the College National Finals Rodeo. This is the highest number of contestants NEO has sent to the CNFR in 20 years.
“It has been an exciting, fun year for NEO Rodeo,” said NEO Rodeo head coach Kolby Ungeheuer. “The team is the most balanced and dedicated I have ever had. It’s so tough all year competing against the four-year schools, and for us to get six students to the CNFR is an outstanding achievement.”
Results from Southwestern Oklahoma State University:
Goat Tying
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Pictured above, back row, left to right: Colton Dillion, Justin England, Kyle Thomas, Blake Tatham, Houston Stephens. Front row, Coach Kolby Ungeheuer, Jackson Haug, Jaiden Wilmoth, Larissa Byers, Emma Ricke, Bailey Stuva, Jessie Ishmael, Zane Kilgus.
Their next stop was Fort Hayes State University, where the women’s team brought home the championship.
Goat Tying
Breakaway Roping
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Pictured above, back row, left to right: Kyle Thomas, Jackson Haug, Lane Watson. Front row, left to right: Bailey Stuva, Jessie Ishmael, Miranda Arndt, Jaiden Wilmoth, head coach Kolby Ungeheuer.
The teams wrapped up their regular season at Oklahoma Panhandle State University, where the men’s team brought home the men’s team title.
Goat Tying
Breakaway Roping
Barrel Racing
All-Around Champion
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Steer Wrestling
The women’s team finished as the Reserve Central Plains Region Champions, sending Bailey Stuva, Larissa Byers, Jessie Ishmael, and Emma Ricke to the CNFR. The men’s team will send Zane Kilgus and Shane Jenkins.
Zane Kilgus and Bailey Stuva finished as the Central Plains Region All-Around Cowboy and Cowgirl.
For more information, please contact NEO Rodeo head coach Kolby Ungeheuer at kolby.ungeheuer@neo.edu or 918-540-6480.