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Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College’s (NEO), Mu chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) inducted a new class into the prestigious international honor society. The ceremony took place Sept. 23 The keynote speaker for the evening was NEO Business Instructor Calvin Becker. “You have all taken different paths to achieve this success,” said Becker during his keynote. “But I encourage you to enjoy every moment as you strive for greater heights. Each semester, each class, each assignment is a step on your journey. Learn from all these moments and be a leader to others.”
To gain admittance into PTK, students must complete at least 12 hours of courses and maintain a 3.5 grade point average. Through their membership in PTK, students will have access to scholarships and service opportunities.
Students who accepted membership: JT Allen, Jessica Alumbaugh, Emily Browning, Chelsea Bunce, Carter Christman, Stephanie Cooper, Guy Davis, Nijel Delmez, Caley Eslick, Brandon Fraser, Charlcie Gatewood, William Glazier, Nicholas Harrison, Vanessa Hernandez, Samantha Kons, Alexis Lawellin, Qimeng Li, Starla Martin, Dusty Mitchell, Margaret Osborn, Trevor Pendergraft, Deborah Satterwhite, Tanner Sellers, Hailee Sherrod, Kiyah Sisco, Jillian Swanger, Cody Teal, Caden Tinsley, Sydney Tynon, Emma Wall, LauraLee Willcox, Kirstie Williams, and Michael Wilson.
The Mu chapter at NEO is very involved in campus activities. They are committed to serve the campus by sponsoring events like Food-4-Finals, a tutoring session and meal held every semester during finals week. The Mu chapter of PTK was the first established outside of Missouri. To learn more about PTK, contact Ms. LaShawna Powers at Lashawna.powers@neo.edu. (Photo: New PTK inductees along with LaShawna Powers (PTK Sponsor), Dr. Bethene Fahnestock (VP for Academic Affairs), Calvin Becker (Keynote Speaker), Dr. Mark Rasor (Interim President) and current PTK officers.)