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The Agriculture Department at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) is hosting the 65th annual ‘Aggie Days’ this year on March 29 and April 1-2. Aggie Days is a yearly interscholastic agriculture contest that hosts thousands of student participants. Students from all over the four-state area will travel to NEO to compete in a variety of events, from a speech to livestock judging. Aggie Days is open to any student who is a member of 4-H or FFA, and participants range in age from third grade to seniors in high school. Schools will also have the chance to win the two Viking scholarships by earning team points toward the sweepstakes. Teams in both single teacher and multiple teacher divisions will earn points for their performance in individual and group events. Buckles will also be awarded to the high individuals in the senior divisions of the horse judging and livestock judging contests.

“Interscholastic contests provide students the opportunity to further skills learned in their FFA or 4-H programs through application and exercise,” said McKenzie Nygren, the interim department chair of agriculture. “Students will demonstrate decision making and logic skills through different disciplines. Our Aggie Days contests also enable prospective students to visit the campus and Synar Farm and experience the tradition and pride represented by NEO Agriculture.”

For more information, please contact McKenzie Nygren at 918-540-6998 or email mckenzie.nygren@neo.edu.

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