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Agriculture Ambassadors at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) recently conducted a hygiene drive in order to make personal hygiene packages available for students. In all, the group created over 120 care packages that students in need can pick up at Peggy’s Closet, the NEO food pantry and professional wardrobe closet. “The opportunity to participate and contribute to the hygiene drive allows us to directly impact the students around us,” said Holly Silvey, NEO Agriculture Ambassador and Student Body Government President. “It is always a powerful feeling to know that the other students on campus have your back and you have theirs.”
Created in 2007, the Agriculture Ambassadors program allows students in the agriculture department to serve as campus leaders. The group is made up of sophomores who are chosen based on their application, leadership skills, integrity, and character during their freshman year. “We saw a need on campus and wanted to help fill the gap,” said Brittany Coffee, who serves as an Ag Ambassador co-sponsor with Department Chair Dr. Mary Booth. “It’s important for students to help students and for all of us to come together and work toward a common goal in our home community.” For more information on the NEO Agriculture Ambassadors, contact Parker at Brittany.Coffee@okstate.edu or for information on Peggy’s Closet, contact Keeley Adams Keeley.Adams@neo.edu. (Photo: NEO Ag Ambassadors with supplies collected for the hygiene drive.)