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The Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College Horse Judging team kicked off their season, placing fourth at the American Paint Horse Association contest at Fort Worth, Texas.

Team Results

  • 4th High Team Overall
  • 4th High Team in Halter
  • 4th High Team in Performance
  • 2nd High Team in Reasons

Individual Results

  • Aislin McStay – 8th High Individual overall, 1st in Reasons, 6th in Performance and 8th in Halter
  • Andrea Byrd – 10th High Individual overall, 9th in Reasons, 9th in Performance and 10th in Halter

“I am so proud of these girls,” said NEO Horse Judging coach Kevin Pool. “They have worked hard, and I cannot wait to see what else they achieve.”

The team travels to Columbus, Ohio, to compete at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress on October 11.

Pictured above, left to right: Coach Kevin Pool, Eden Rominger, Aislin McStay, Karlee Frank, Katelynn Horn, and Andrea Byrd.

For more information, contact the NEO Horse Judging coach Kevin Pool at kpool@neo.edu or 918-540-6262.

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