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Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) recently held the annual NEO Honors Banquet to highlight the academic success of some of NEO’s best and brightest student. On March 10, Dr. Doug Cox, District 5 Representative to the Oklahoma House of Representatives, gave the keynote address following a meal to honor the high-achieving students. Over 300 were recognized for their academic accomplishments, including Deans’ Honor Roll, President’s Honor Roll, Who’s Who Among Students in America’s Junior Colleges, Phi Theta Kappa, NEO Top Ten Freshmen, and the Carl Rigney Award.

Dr. Cox stressed the importance of education in improving the state. “You are taking the steps necessary to become successful,” he said. “You are less likely to end up in the prison system, less likely to have health complications and end up in the hospital due to obesity, and more likely to be involved in your community. You are to be congratulated for doing your part to make our state a better place.”

For a complete album of all honorees, visit Facebook.com/gogoneo. Congratulations to all of the honorees!

Designations: PHR – President’s Honor Roll | DHR – Dean’s Honor Roll | Ẇ – Who’s Who | Φ – PTK | ❿ – Top Ten | Ɽ – Carl Rigney Award

Brittany Abernathy-DHR Φ Nick Abernathy- Ẇ Kelly Adams-DHR Φ Brittany Agee-DHR Φ Jacob Althouse-DHR Susie Anderson-PHR Brookelynn Baber-PHR Hannah Baker-DHR Φ Lexie Baker-DHR John Barger-DHR Φ Jenny Barnes-DHR Mariam Bartlett-DHR Φ Ashlyn Bashore-PHR Jaycee Bauer-PHR Haley Beck-DHR Ellen Beisly-DHR Cheyenne Bennett-PHR Φ Dahlton Berg-DHR Φ Levi Bingham-DHR Breanna Blankenship-DHR Vanessa Bloomer-DHR Emily Bond-DHR Michelle Bowden-PHR Halie Bowman-PHR James Bowman-DHR Rachel Bowser-PHR Augustus Boyd-PHR Tyler Branstetter-DHR Ashlynn Brecheisen-DHR Φ Mollie Brewer-PHR Φ❿ Andrea Brigstock-DHR Elizabeth Bristow-DHR Φ Lindzy Brock-PHR Macee Brophy-DHR Ẇ Rachale Brown-Kerby-DHR Zachary Brown-PHR Φ Brieanna Bryant-PHR Bailey Burnett-PHR Kylie Buttram-DHR ẆΦ Allison Byrn-DHR Φ Jeffrey Cantwell-DHR Natalia Carneiro-DHR Φ Taylor Carpenter-DHR Φ Anneke Carr-PHR ẆΦ❿ Julie Casey-PHR Estephany Cavello-Gonzalez-PHR Hannah Chenoweth-PHR Φ Malarie Chenoweth-DHR Rylee Chenoweth-DHR Φ Wesley Childers-DHR Larry Cisneros- Ẇ Casey Clapp-PHR Charity Coberly- Ẇ Erica Cochran-DHR Jennah Coffman-DHR Caitlin Cole-PHR Φ Maekayla Cole-DHR Ẇ Zaavan Colebrooke-DHR Kaylee Collins-DHR Cypress Cook-DHR Φ Makayla Cook-DHR Jesus Covarrubias-PHR Amber Cox-PHR ẆΦ Caleb Cox- ❿ April Crockett-PHR ẆΦ Brooke Crown-DHR Φ Deborah Crutchfield-PHR Ẇ Mercedes Cunningham-DHR Taylor Cunningham-DHR Φ Brett Damico-DHR Donald Daniels-PHR Φ Jessica Darnell-PHR Mackenzie David-PHR Mariah Davis-DHR Samuel Dawes-DHR Amber Dawson-DHR Haleigh Denny-DHR Hannah Dinesen-PHR Jalee Dollarhide-DHR Kaylee Dozier-DHR Φ Benjamyn Duncan-DHR Tyler Duvall-PHR Lesa Eberle-DHR Φ Chandler Edwards-DHR Caleb Epperly-PHR Ẇ Mahala Epperson-DHR Andrew Etcheverry-DHR Chelsey Farris-PHR Φ Cheyenne Feather-DHR Gabriel Ferreira-DHR Elizabeth Flanders- Ẇ Nathanael Flocchini-PHR Cameron Ford-DHR Φ Sarah Foster-DHR Φ Natalie Freeman-PHR Scotti Freeman-PHR Φ Matthew Fusselman-PHR ẆΦ Joseph Gaither-DHR Brittany Garrison-PHR Taylor Gee-PHR Φ Sydney Giese-DHR Destiny Goins-PHR Mayra Gonzalez-DHR Arika Gould-DHR Fallon Graham-DHR Janet Grant-DHR Yance Graves-DHR Cynthia Gregory-PHR Jared Griffith-DHR Heatherlynn Gruber-DHR Emily Haak-DHR Φ Rachel Haberman-DHR Φ Corynne Hagins-DHR Ẇ Hannah Hailey-PHR Scott Hale-DHR Michael Haltom-DHR Lon Hampton-DHR Tristina Hampton-PHR Sarah Handke-PHR Allison Hannah-DHR Chauntelle Harding-DHR Φ Davis Harker-DHR William Hart-PHR Judge Hartin-DHR Φ Juli Hayworth-DHR Jade Heck-DHR Riley Helton-DHR Φ Meagen Hernandez-DHR Rookie Hernandez-DHR Φ January Herron-PHR Cheyenne Hill-DHR Jacob Hill-DHR Cheryl Hooten-PHR Φ Jean Hopkins-PHR Casey Hough-DHR Φ Billie House-PHR Φ Christopher Howard-DHR Φ Tyson Howard- ❿ Shannon Hughes-PHR ẆΦⱤ Christian Hughlett-DHR Katelin Hyman-DHR Jennifer Isgrigg-PHR Ẇ Abby Jackson-DHR Cordell Jackson-DHR Jessica Jameson-PHR Aaron Jarvis-DHR Φ Kaytlynn Johnson-PHR Karen Johnston-DHR Φ Karli Jones-DHR Φ Kylie Jones-PHR Ẇ Gannon Jorgenson-DHR Domonic Josephs-DHR Ẇ Courtney Jourdan-PHR Ẇ Rylee Karhoff-DHR Jacob Keizor-DHR Elizabeth Kennedy-DHR Raegan Kennedy-DHR Tori Key-PHR Φ David Kiesewetter-DHR Ẇ Whitney Kinder-DHR Lucille Kingsley- Ẇ Keron Knowles-DHR Steven Laughlin-DHR Φ Christina Lawson-DHR Colby Leblanc-DHR Karen Lee-DHR Mattison Lemmons-DHR Cassi Lennox-PHR Kaitlyn Leonard-PHR Kourtney Lincicome-PHR Alexys Lipscomb-DHR Alexa Livingston-DHR Jaylen Lowe-DHR Clarissa Magley-DHR Bryan Mann-PHR Rebecca Marlow-PHR Karis Marquez-PHR Emilee Martin-DHR Ashley Maynard-PHR Shalie Mcalister-DHR Cassidy Mcconkey-PHR Φ Christy Mccullough-DHR Φ Ryan Mclaughlin-DHR Kaitlyn Mcniel- Ẇ Hannah Metzger-PHR Breanna Meyer-PHR Karley Millsap-DHR Samuel Mitchell-DHR Fallyn Morey-DHR Blake Morgan-PHR Φ Jacee Morgan-PHR Amber Morris-PHR Libby Morris-DHR Φ Nicole Morris-DHR Sadie Morris- Ẇ Angilique Morrison-PHR Φ Madison Moss-PHR ❿ Timothy Moua-DHR Φ Melinda Murillo-PHR Chad Musteen-DHR Skyler Neal-DHR Asa Nelson-DHR Chase Nevel-DHR Lydia Nicholson-PHR Lynn Norris-PHR Φ Shyann Nutt-DHR Amber Osborn-PHR Φ Jessica Painter-DHR Anna Parnell-DHR Iris Perry-PHR Joakim Persson-PHR Taylor Pevehouse-DHR Ẇ Lyndsay Piguet-PHR Miguel Soto Pineda-PHR ẆΦ❿ Mackenzie Pippin-DHR Brittany Powell-DHR Shelby Prather-DHR Luke Preaus-PHR ẆΦⱤ James Price-DHR ❿ Taylor Pryor-PHR Φ Nicholas Randolph-DHR Colton Raper-PHR Zach Redwine-DHR Christina Renfroe-DHR Amber Reynolds-DHR Madisyn Rhone-PHR ẆΦ Johannah Richardson-DHR Ẇ ❿ Jaron Ritchie-DHR Jenny Robinson-DHR Krista Rodney-PHR Φ Tony Rodriguez-DHR Dion Rolle-PHR Christina Roode-PHR Φ Michael Rose-DHR Alyssa Rupert-DHR Φ Aimee Rutherford-PHR Φ Cody Salazar-DHR Harlie Sasser-DHR Ẇ Cody Schultz-DHR Hailey Seago-DHR Φ Shari Seamon-DHR Michael Sexton-DHR Φ Mackenzie Shamblin-PHR ẆΦ Marty Shanks-DHR Brittany Sharbutt-PHR Dillon Sherrick-PHR Jaime Siegmann-DHR Brandon Siegrist-DHR Daniel Simmons-PHR ẆΦ Emily Simons-DHR Michael Singleton-PHR Kathryn Skiles-PHR Allison Smith-PHR Φ David Smith-DHR Jolene Smith-DHR Φ Morgan Smith-PHR Dakota Souders-DHR Jacob Spencer-DHR Kirbee Spire-PHR Φ Marcus Stacy-PHR Colton Stalford-DHR Φ Hannah Stephens-DHR Φ Baylee Stevens-DHR Φ Stephanie Still-DHR Ross Stovall-DHR Dakota Summerfield-PHR Justice Tamplen-DHR ❿ Laura Tanner-DHR Morgan Tarrance-DHR Φ Meredith Taylor-DHR Brooke Thelen-PHR Tanner Thoendel-DHR Christina Thomas-DHR Φ Kainen Topham-PHR Alejandro Torres-PHR Heather Troulakis-DHR Natalee Tubaugh-PHR Stephen Turley-DHR Madison Vanburkleo-DHR Ẇ Emily Vanriper-DHR Jordan Volkmann-PHR Φ Daniel Vonthin-PHR Φ❿ Tara Wade-DHR Φ Scott Walker-PHR Chelsea Wallace-DHR Luke Wallenberg-DHR Lyssa Warren-DHR Brian Washam-PHR Brittany Watkins-DHR Dexter White-DHR Josie Wilhelm-PHR Chelsea Wilkins-PHR Toshina Williams-PHR Rylee Willmon-DHR Φ Jadyn Wills-PHR Bailee Wolfe-DHR ẆΦ Laura Wood-DHR Φ Candyce Woodruff-DHR Jonathan Woods-DHR Katlin Woods-DHR Φ Teresa Woody-DHR Dylan Woolfolk-DHR Φ Whitney Wright-PHR For a full album of photos from the event, visit www.facebook.com/gogoneo.

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