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Remote Instruction Tuesday, Feb 18

Offices closed due to winter weather. Access coursework on Canvas.

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In preparation for the new school year at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO), incoming freshmen will participate in Camp Row on August 15-17, 2018. Camp Row, combined with Welcome Week activities on campus, helps students familiarize themselves with NEO services and peer networks. Along with seminars and breakout sessions, students will engage in a variety of activities to prepare them for college success. Research proves that students who are more engaged with their peers and students activities are more successful in their classes, so students will have several opportunities to meet with representatives of a variety of student clubs and organizations. Students will also have a chance to get firsthand advice from a student panel of sophomores.

New to this year’s Camp Row is a revamped First Year Experience (FYE) program. Previously taught throughout the semester, students will now complete four seminars during camp row with their FYE cohort. The cohort will meet four more times throughout their first semester to ensure their continuing success in coursework and preparation for their second semester. “I am excited about the opportunity for students to complete their freshman year experience credit during Camp Row,” said Amy Ishmael, vice president for student affairs. “By completing Camp Row, students will be exposed to valuable resources prior to the start of the semester and will, in turn, be more successful. Previously we provided Camp Row as a voluntary opportunity, but by offering it as a credit course, students have more motivation to attend and participate.”

FYE is designed to ensure students are successful by giving students instruction on the use of the NEO online learning management system Desire2Learn, as well as career and major exploration, financial wellness, effective study skills, and more. The new system will provide the most critical information before students enter their classes and provide support throughout the semester. Camp Row will kick off on Tuesday, August 14, with freshman move-in day for resident students and Wednesday, August 15, for non-resident students. Following the three-day Camp Row, NEO will host a Business and Community Fair on the NEO Mall on Saturday, August 18, and activities throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday.

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