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The Agriculture Department at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) hosted the 68th annual ‘Aggie Days’ during the first week in April and hundreds of area students attended the yearly interscholastic agriculture contests. Students from all over the four-state area traveled to compete in a variety of events, from speech and plant taxonomy to livestock and meat judging. Aggie Days is open to any student who is a member of 4-H or FFA, and participants range in age from third grade to seniors in high school. 

“The annual Aggie Day interscholastic event is a time-honored tradition in the NEO Agriculture Department,” said McKenzie Conner, chair of the NEO Agriculture Department. “NEO students and faculty work extremely hard to prepare and facilitate more than 15 high-quality contests over the course of three days. The FFA chapters and students represented at the Aggie Day event are evidence of a talented and knowledgeable pool of prospective agriculture students and professionals.”

The Jenks FFA received first place in the Aggie Days sweepstakes division for multiple-teacher programs. They were followed by Adair and Sequoyah. In the single-teacher division, Vian FFA took first in the sweepstakes division, followed by Colcord and Afton. The winning chapters in each division were awarded a Viking Tuition Scholarship.

The continued success of Aggie Days depends on community support, and the following businesses participated as event sponsors this year: First National Bank, Welch State Bank, Bartlett Co-op, Osborn Drugs, Visit Miami, Hofschulte Insurance Services, and J&M Farms.

For more information on Aggie Days, please contact McKenzie Conner at 918-540-6998 or email mckenzie.nygren@neo.edu. (Photo: Aggie Days Sponsors Chad Johnson and Katie Fletcher from Welch State Bank joined McKenzie Conner to honor division winners.)

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