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Officials at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) are excited to announce that NEO was awarded a $2.5 million federal grant from the United States Department of Education to improve technology and extend educational access. The grant is the fourth Title III grant since 2010, bringing the total near $10 million.
(Photo from left: President Jeff Hale, Grant Project Director Rachel Lloyd, Business Department Chair Pat Creech, Grant Project Director Joy Bauer, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Bethene Fahnestock)
The Title III “Strengthening Institutions” grant will run for five years, with $450,000 per year. Under the grant program, NEO will look to hire new professional staff members, increase services for student support, enhance internet access on campus, renovate campus facilities to create innovative teaching spaces, and much more. The stable funding structure provided through Title III and similar grant programs allow NEO to innovate and improve student academic success. NEO is also dedicated to using the funds effectively and efficiently, with an emphasis on student success. “Strategic planning teams at NEO are committed to using federal grant dollars to increase educational attainment and support the development of important 21st century literacies in students,” said Rachel Lloyd, grant project director.
The “Strengthening Institutions” grant was established to expand institutions of higher education’s ability to serve low-income students and NEO is uniquely situated to serve low-income areas of northeast Oklahoma, southeast Kansas, southwest Missouri, and northwest Arkansas. Funds from the program allow NEO to remain competitive with area two-year and four-year colleges. “I want to compliment and congratulate our project team for another successful federal grant application,” said Dr. Jeff Hale, NEO president. “Even though these funds have targeted purposes, I recognize the effort to acquire federal funds is one method by which NEO seeks to soften the blow from massive state appropriation cuts. NEO faculty, staff, and students continue to rise above the lack of support from state leaders for public higher education.” For more information about NEO grant programs, contact Rachel Lloyd at rlloyd@neo.edu.