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The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education have formed a Function Change and Mission Expansion Subcommittee to identify ways to further improve student education access in Oklahoma and have selected Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) President Dr. Jeff Hale to serve as one of the 13 voting members. “I am so thrilled that Chairman Helm, Chancellor Johnson and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education are seeking critical input from public colleges and universities around the issues of mission, function, and expansion. Higher education and the higher education market in Oklahoma are facing new and more difficult challenges. The need to better serve far northeast Oklahoma and the state of Oklahoma is more important than ever to me personally.”
According to the State Regent’s Office, the committee will “develop and review criteria, guidelines, and recommendations related to institutional functions and missions that support the continued advancement for higher education in Oklahoma.” “I believe this committee work provides an opportunity to make our public higher education system more responsive to the unique workforce needs of the different regions in Oklahoma. The committee members represent a level of experience and expertise that gives me great hope and high expectations. I believe we will see recommendations from this group that could produce some of the most progressive and important changes in the history of our public system of higher education. I’m honored to be selected and look forward to working with my friends and colleagues.” For more information about the Regent’s Subcommittee for Function Change and Mission Expansion, contact Jordan Adams at Jordan.m.adams@neo.edu.