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The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) equestrian team from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) won Reserve High Point Team for their region and also had three individuals qualify for the regional show.  NEO’s new IHSA equestrian team has been extremely successful in their first year of competition. The team took at least Reserve High Point Team honors every weekend as they traveled to nine different shows this past year. NEO also took their first High Point Team Honors at the spring Missouri State University (MSU) show. The team ended the regular season as the Regional Reserve High Point Team.

Top honors were awarded to Mandie House, a freshman open rider, at the spring MSU show for being reserve high point rider. At the end of the show, there was a three-way tie for high point rider with House taking reserve in the tie breaker. Three riders from the team: Mandie House, Josi Reed, and Sara Nutsch, qualified for Regionals.

House competed in the Open Division at Regionals and placed fifth overall. Reed and Nutsch both showed in the Novice Division with Reed placing third and Nutsch taking second.   By placing in the top two at Regionals, Nutsch advanced on to compete in the Western Semi-Finals that were held in Pomona, Calif. Nutsch proudly represented NEO for the first time at semi-finals and did an exceptional job. “It is an incredible feat for a rider to get qualified for Regionals in one season of showing, not to mention Semi-Finals,” said Chelsie Huseman, head coach. “These ladies have led with tremendous determination and I am so impressed with their accomplishments.”

Not only was the team successful on the show side, but academically as well, and have been recognized by the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) for their academic success while competing on the team.  There were seven young ladies recognized as All-Academic first team. Individuals taking honors were: Ashlynn Burk, sophomore, Dakota Davis-Keith, sophomore, Sami Johnson, sophomore, Jenalee Nies, freshman, Josi Reed, sophomore, Katie Jordan, sophomore, and Tanessa Cowan, sophomore. These ladies kept a competitive 3.8 GPA or higher to receive this award.

Also receiving academic honors on the All-Academic second team, maintaining a 3.5 GPA or higher were: Brooke Mareth, freshman, Caitlyn Dunsmore, freshman, and Mandie House, freshman. “I’m so pleased with the success of the team this first year. They have demonstrated a strong presence in this IHSA region already,” Huseman said. Next fall NEO will be hosting their very first IHSA show, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 26, 2013.

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