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The NEO Horse Judging team was recently named Reserve Champions at the American Quarter Horse Association World Show.
The team started their season by traveling to the All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio. They finished as the Reserve High Junior College Team. The team members were Casey Burden, Emily Hokit, Sam Schenck, Cassidy Wilson and Grace Wishard.
Team Results
Individual Results
The team competed in the American Quarter Horse Association World Show in Oklahoma City, earning Reserve Champion Team. The team members were Emily Hokit, Casey Burden, Cassidy Wilson, Sam Schenck and Grace Wishard. The limited Division Team members were Aislin McStay, Karlee Frank, Eden Rominger and Katelynn Horn.
Team Results
Individual Results
Limited Division Individual Results
“These ladies have had a great year and have improved so much in just a short time,” said NEO Horse Judging coach Kevin Pool. “I am so proud of what they have accomplished during the last couple of years and how hard they have worked.”
To round out the fall season, the team made their way to the National Cutting Horse Association Futurity Judging Contest in Fort Worth, Texas.
Team Results
Individual Results
The team will begin the spring season in February by traveling to the National Reined Cow Horse Association contest in Fort Worth, Texas.
For more information, contact the NEO Horse Judging coach Kevin Pool at kpool@neo.edu or 918-540-6262.