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More than 2,000 high school students from Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas traveled to Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College recently to compete in the 71st annual Aggie Days.
Sponsored by the NEO agriculture department, Aggie Days is an annual three-day interscholastic agriculture contest. Students competed in such events as speech and livestock judging. Plaques or buckles were awarded to each contest’s top three students and schools. The Afton FFA Chapter and Roland FFA Chapter won the single-teacher division, and the Silo FFA Chapter won the multi-teacher division.
During the event, schools had the chance to win scholarships by earning team points toward the divisional sweepstakes. Teams in single-teacher and multiple-teacher divisions earned points for their performance in individual and group events, with the High Sweepstakes Team also earning a scholarship.
“This year’s Aggie Days were a huge success,” said Dr. Mary Booth, NEO Agriculture department chair. “I appreciate the extra effort from students, faculty and staff. This is a tradition we look forward to each year and it’s a great opportunity to have students on campus to learn more about the opportunities at NEO.”
Aggie Days are open to any student who is a member of 4-H or FFA.
For more information, please contact Gretta Day at gretta.day@neo.edu or 918-540-6368.