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The Agriculture Department at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) hosted the 69th annual ‘Aggie Days’ during the first week in April and over 1,100 area students attended the yearly interscholastic agriculture contests. Students from all over the four-state area traveled to compete in a variety of events, from speech and plant taxonomy to livestock and meat judging. “Seeing the NEO campus blue with over 1,100 FFA jackets during NEO Aggie Days brought encouragement and excitement to our NEO Agriculture Department,” said Dr. Mary Booth chair of the NEO Agriculture Department. “It was the largest NEO Aggie Days in years, bringing many talented youths to our great campus!”

The Owasso FFA received first place in the Aggie Days sweepstakes division for multiple-teacher programs. They were followed by Uniontown and Kingfisher. In the single-teacher division, Adair FFA took first in the sweepstakes division, followed by Afton and Aleen. The winning chapters in each division were awarded a Viking Tuition Scholarship. In addition, Conner Pell from Locust Grove High School was awarded the buckle for both the horse and livestock judging contests.

The continued success of Aggie Days depends on community support, and the following businesses participated as event sponsors this year: Welch State Bank, Osborn Drugs, Bartlett Co-op Assn., Nott’s Grocery and Deli, Service Solutions, Inc., Miller Plumbing, U.S. Whip, M&M Custom Butchering, and American Farmers & Ranchers. For more information on Aggie Days, please contact Dr. Booth at 918-540-6998 or email mary.booth@neo.edu. (Photo: Alumni of the NEO Ag program were invited to serve as speech judges.)

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