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The Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) President’s Partners have been extremely active during the fall semester, sponsoring several projects that have benefited students, staff, and faculty. Dr. Jeff Hale created the NEO President’s Partners in 2009 to improve NEO in ways that may often go overlooked and since its inception, the Partners have donated over $350,000 toward projects. Partners fund everything from scholarships to t-shirts and jackets for our national tournament-bound teams. “NEO’s President’s Partners program continues to have such a positive impact on our students, our faculty, and campus life,” said Dr. Hale. “In an era where the State of Oklahoma is reducing its commitment to college students and their families, this partnership helps NEO limit the damage that’s taking place on our college campus. I’m grateful every day for the donors and supporters of President’s Partners!” This semester alone, the Partners have donated nearly $10,000 to various scholarship funds. The group has donated to campus-led scholarships like the Top Ten Freshmen, Miss Indian NEO, and NEO Homecoming royalty. They have also donated through community efforts like the Ottawa County Fair Board, the River Bottom Sportsmen, and NEO Women & Friends. “The President’s Partners have funded numerous worthwhile projects and initiatives this semester that have greatly benefited NEO students, faculty and staff,” said Jennifer Walker, executive director of the NEO Development Foundation. “Supporting students is at the very core of the Partners program, and dozens of students benefit each semester from scholarships funded by the President’s Partners.”
Along with tremendous support to NEO students through scholarships, the Partners have invested in the staff and faculty at NEO as well. Along with purchasing a popcorn maker for the student recruitment office to send popcorn to staff, faculty, and prospective students, they also purchased Indian tacos for 100 staff and faculty members during the American Indian Center for Excellence (AICE) fundraising drive and t-shirts for the Will Rogers Middle School “College Days.” For more information or to become a President’s Partner, contact Walker at Jennifer.hesse@neo.edu or 918-540-6250. (Carmen Couch, President’s Partner; Donna Hale, NEO First Lady; Jennifer Walker, Executive Director of the NEO Development Foundation; and Rob Kimbrough, President’s Partner deliver t-shirts to WRMS for College Days)