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Oklahoma CareerTech recognized Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College with a 2023 Partners in Progress award for establishing the NEO Nursing Fast-Track program.

The Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education and Oklahoma Association of Technology Centers presented awards to some of Oklahoma CareerTech’s most valued industry partners at the annual Partners for Progress awards ceremony on February 21, 2023.

Partners were recognized for making outstanding contributions to the improvement, promotion, development and progress of career and technology centers in Oklahoma.

Northeast Tech selected NEO as its 2023 Partner in Progress for the college’s commitment to work with them to help fill a critical workforce need by creating a solid pipeline of healthcare workers through a bridge-to-RN program at Northeast Tech’s Kansas campus.

“We appreciate CareerTech for recognizing NEO and our nursing program,” said NEO President Dr. Kyle J. Stafford. “For more than 40 years, we have produced many nurses that serve our community and region. Our partnership with NE Tech has helped us expand our program to better serve the workforce needs in Northeastern Oklahoma.”

Among the attendees were Oklahoma legislators, technology center superintendents, leaders, and representatives from the companies recognized by OACTE and OATC.

“Our partnership with NEO is a perfect example of how education organizations can work together to create a better workforce,” said Northeast Tech Superintendent Roger Crutchfield. “The healthcare field has a need, together we listened to and developed a plan to meet that need. In return, NEO established a successful bridge to RN program at our campus and in doing so, is helping spread the mission of career tech.”

The NEO Nursing Fast-Track program provides Licensed Practical Nurses and Licensed Paramedics with the option to take classes on the NEO campus in Miami or the Northeast Tech campus in Kansas, Oklahoma, and become an associate degree registered nurse (ADN) in as little as one year.

For more information, please contact NEO Nursing department chair Kathleen Norman at Kathleen.norman@neo.edu or 918-540-6312.

Pictured left to right: Northeast Tech Chief of Staff Derek Beller, Oklahoma State Representative Steve Bashore, NEO Nursing department chair Kathleen Norman, NEO President Dr. Kyle J. Stafford, Northeast Tech Superintendent Roger Crutchfield

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