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The Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College Rodeo teams competed in four rodeos for the 2023 fall season. The men’s team is sitting in fourth place, and the women’s team is sitting in seventh place in the Central Plains Region.
Colby Community College
Individual results:
Breakaway Roping
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Team results:
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Individual results:
Breakaway Roping
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Steer Wrestling
Team results:
Oklahoma State University
Individual results:
Breakaway Roping
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Steer Wrestling
Team results:
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Individual results:
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Team results:
Going into the spring season, Zane Kilgus is sitting second, Blake Tatham is sitting seventh and Tanner Scheevel is sitting eleventh overall in tie down roping. In steer wrestling Tanner Sheevel is sitting fourth overall. On the team roping side, Zane Kilgus and Shane Jenkins are sitting in third place, Jackson Haug and Kyle Thomas are currently in eighth and Tucker Earp and Gus Albertson are sitting in ninth place overall.
On the women’s side, Bailey Stuva is sitting in sixth place in barrel racing and Rachel Brownback is currently in eighth place in breakaway roping.
For more information, please contact NEO Rodeo coach Kolby Ungeheuer at kolby.ungeheuer@neo.edu.
Pictured above, left to right:
Photo 1, front row – Gus Albertson, Emma Ricke, Rachel Brownback, Cooper Langston, Coach Kolby Ungeheuer. Back row – Lane Watson, Tanner Scheevel, Kyle Thomas, Logan Collins, Riley O’Rourke, Blake Tatham, Zane Kilgus, Shane Jenkins, Jackson Haug.
Photo 2, front row – Emma Ricke, Layni Masters, Gus Albertson, Jackson Haug, Coach Kolby Ungeheuer. Back row – Jason Ishmael, Tanner Scheevel, Kyle Thomas, Blake Tatham, Zane Kilgus, Tucker Earp, Duncan Smith, Shane Jenkins, Justin England.
Photo 3, front row – Shane Jenkins, Miranda Arndt, Rachel Brownback, Bailey Stuva, Cordell Sims, Lucas Peterson. Back row – Jason Ishmael, Zane Kilgus, Blake Tatham, Tanner Scheevel, Cooper Fowler, Login Collins, Kiser Wiatrak.
Photo 4, front row: Gus Albertson, Bailey Stuva. Back row – Justin England, Zane Kilgus, Blake Tatham, Tucker Earp, Tanner Sheveel, Shane Jenkins, Coach Kolby Ungeheuer.