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The NEO chapter of Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Business Club recently attended the virtual 2020 National Leadership Online Experience (NLE) and Sophomore Alex Pike led the team with two top-finishes at the event. In all, seven NEO students competed at the national level. “I am very proud of our PBL members’ performances and how they overcame the technological challenges presented to them at Nationals,” said NEO Instructor Lori Hackwell, PBL sponsor. “Originally, we were set to travel to Salt Lake City to compete. However, with COVID-19, it quickly became the first fully online competition held by FBLA-PBL. The Business & Technology faculty are very pleased how well our students represented NEO this year at Nationals.”

Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) is the oldest student business organization in the world. Established to promote business education and leadership, state and national events allow students compete in dozens of events, including Marketing Concepts, Public Speaking, and Macroeconomics. Pike, a Canadian international student, secured a third-place finish in Marketing Concepts and a seventh-place finish in Sports Management & Marketing. He was joined at the national competition by Tulsa Freshman Grayson Lasater, Romanian International Freshman George Blaj-Voinescu, Afton Sophomore and Oklahoma State PBL President Kati Smoke, Chouteau Sophomore Hannah Tweed, Miami Sophomore Thales Vilar, and Tulsa Sophomore Kimberly Lopez. For more information on NEO PBL, contact Hackwell at lhackwell@neo.edu. (Photo: Alex Pike)


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