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Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College sophomore Elijah Wooden attended the prestigious George and Donna Nigh Leadership Academy in Oklahoma City and was awarded the 2024 Leadership Scholarship.

Elijah Wooden Nigh Academy
Photo: Elijah Wooden at the Oklahoma State Capitol for the George and Donna Nigh Leadership Academy.

“The George and Donna Nigh Leadership Academy was truly an amazing and impactful experience,” said Elijah Wooden. “I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to represent NEO alongside other Oklahoma college students.”

The scholarship was established in 1999 to provide Oklahoma higher education institutions with the ability to select a student each year to attend the leadership academy and be honored as a Nigh Scholar.

Students selected for the scholarship must exhibit strong leadership qualities, demonstrate community involvement, present academic achievement, and have graduated from an Oklahoma high school. Selected students received a $1,000 scholarship and attended the Nigh Leadership Academy.

Wooden is a business administration, management information systems major from Muskogee, Oklahoma. He was on the 2023 President’s Honor Roll, is a Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society member, the treasurer of Future Business Leaders of America, and the Student Body Government president.

Elijah Wooden Gov Nigh
Photo: Elijah Wooden with former Oklahoma Governor George Nigh.

 “Elijah Wooden not only exemplifies the attitude of a Norseman in class, but he also does so in extracurricular activities throughout the community,” said Calvin Becker, NEO Business & Technology department chair and instructor. “NEO is proud to call this young man a Norseman!”

The Nigh Leadership Academy delivers development sessions on expanding personal skills and understanding leadership. It provides opportunities to outstanding students pursuing careers in public service.

Wooden continued, “I will always remember the leadership lessons I learned about networking and building relationships. Most importantly, I will never forget the famous words from former Governor Nigh, ‘You can make it from here!’ He emphasized to us that it doesn’t matter where you come from. You can always make a positive difference in the world!”

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