Your guide to teaching online at NEO.
Equip yourself with the resources to teach online with confidence with these steps.

Participate in Training
One of the most important steps in successfully teaching online at NEO is participating in training.
The training for online teaching is designed to equip you with all the necessary skills and tools needed to deliver effective online courses that engage your students and promote learning.
During the training, you will learn about the various features and functionalities of our learning management system (LMS), as well as how to effectively use them in your teaching.
Additionally, we will provide you with best practices for creating engaging content, facilitating discussions, delivering lectures, providing feedback, and assessing student progress.

Familiarize Yourself with Courses
Before beginning your online teaching journey at NEO, you should familiarize yourself with the online course that you will be teaching along with and available support resources.
NEO uses the Canvas learning management system for all online courses. By exploring the different features of the platform and how they are used in the courses you will be teaching, you can get a better understanding of how each tool works and how they can be used to enhance student engagement in an online environment.
Additionally, NEO provides various resources for educators such as tutorials, workshops, and forums where you can connect with other educators. These resources can help you gain insights into best practices for online teaching and learning strategies that have been proven effective on the platform.

Prepare the Course Syllabus
A course syllabus serves as an essential guide for both the instructor and students, outlining what will be covered in the course and setting expectations for assignments, deadlines, and grading criteria. When creating a syllabus for an online class, it’s important to consider how the format differs from traditional classroom settings. For example, you may need to include information on how to access course materials and navigate the online platform. You should also specify any technology requirements or expectations for participation in virtual discussions or group projects.

Prepare the Canvas Course
Preparing the Canvas course involves reviewing the course structure, setting dates, scheduling announcements, and uploading relevant materials such as lecture notes and assignments.
To begin with, you need to decide on the course structure that best suits your teaching style and content. You may choose to organize your course by weeks or units, or divide it into smaller modules based on topics. Once you have decided on the structure, create corresponding modules in Canvas.
Next, upload all necessary materials for each module such as lecture slides, videos or articles. This will ensure students can access all important information in one place.
It’s also important to set clear expectations for students by establishing due dates for assignments and assessments within each module. This will help students stay on track throughout the duration of your class.
Finally, consider adding interactive elements to your course such as discussion forums or quizzes to keep students engaged and encourage active participation.

Collaborate with Students
Collaborating with your students is essential for successful online teaching.
Online courses should be an active learning experience where you as the educator can interact and engage with students throughout the duration of the course. This takes intentional planning and use of strategies to encourage interaction between students and with you as the educator.
Collaboration and communication with students can be accomplished in a number of ways including through using tools like discussion boards, communication tools, videos, and through providing feedback on activities.

Invest in Ongoing Professional Development
As an educator who is teaching online, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in online education.
You can attend events and workshops sponsored by NEO or explore available resources and tutorials the Teaching Notes Blog at your own pace.
Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning
D. Dayle Creech Library Administration Building
200 I Street NE, Miami, OK