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In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Offices and campus will be closed Monday, Jan 20th. Campus will reopen Jan 21st.

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  1. Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. Attendance: When a Senator has more than three unexcused absences, he may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of the Faculty Senate.
  3. Alternate Members: In case a Senator must be absent for a prolonged period of time, the Senate shall select a person to serve as alternate for the Senator. If he is a School Senator, the alternate is to be selected from the School he represents. If he is a Senator-at-large, the alternate shall be picked from the Association-at-large.
  4. Duties of the Faculty Senate President:
    The Faculty Senate/Association President shall:
    1. Call meeting of the Faculty Association as prescribed by the Faculty Association Constitution.
    2. Serve as an officer of the Faculty Senate.
    3. Preside over the meetings of the Faculty Association and Faculty Senate.
    4. Prepare an Annual Plan and submit that plan to the Faculty Senate and Association.
    5. Appoint, with Faculty Senate approval, members of Faculty Senate and Association committees.
    6. Coordinate the committee activities throughout the Association.
    7. Serve as an ex-officio member of all Faculty Senate and Association committees.
    8. Prepare an Annual Budget for the year as President and submit that budget to the Faculty Senate   for approval.
    9. Develop, in conjunction with the Faculty Senate a response to those issues which arise during the  academic year that need to be addressed by the Faculty Senate or Association.
    10. Assist the Secretary in the development of the agenda for Faculty Senate and Faculty Association  meetings.
    11. The Faculty Senate/Association President shall not:
      1. Act as a representative of the Association/Senate on administratively appointed committees.
      2. Speak for the Faculty Senate or Association, without prior approval by the Faculty Senate or  Association, on matters or issues brought up by either the President of the College or by the  Board of Regents. Issues brought up by the President of the College and by the Board of  Regents shall be addressed by the Faculty Senate and, if necessary, by the Association as  prescribed by the Association constitution.
  5. Duties of the Vice-President/President-Elect:
    1. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall:
      1. Serve as an officer of the Faculty Senate.
      2. Assist the President in implementing the Annual Plan.
      3. Preside over the meetings of the Faculty Association and Faculty in the absence of the President.
      4. Meet with the Planning Committee to establish priorities and activities for the upcoming year.
      5. Assist the President and Secretary in the preparation of the agenda for Faculty Senate and Faculty Association meetings.
    2. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall not:
      1. Act as a representative of the Association/Senate on administratively appointed committees.
      2. Speak for the Faculty Senate or Association, without prior approval by the Faculty Senate or Association, on matters or issues brought up by either the President of the College or by the Board of Regents. Issues brought up by the President of the College and by the Board of Regents shall be addressed by the Faculty Senate and, if necessary, by the Association as prescribed by the Association constitution.
  6. Duties of the Planning Committee
    The Planning Committee will:
    1. Do long range planning for the Faculty Senate/Association.
    2. Suggest to the Faculty Senate ideas, issues or concerns that impact NEO faculty.
    3. Assist the Faculty Senate in implementing, periodically reviewing and updating the Association Strategic Plan.
    4. Undertake any task appropriate to its charge assigned by the Faculty Senate.
    5. Meet with the President-Elect to develop areas of emphasis in the Strategic Plan for consideration for the following academic year.
    6. Suggest to the Faculty Senate which permanent and temporary committees need to be appointed.
    7. Periodically review the committee structure and recommend to the Faculty Senate such changes in that system as the committee shall find desirable.
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