Earn college credit while in high school through the Dual Credit program! You will be a concurrent student – enrolled in both high school and NEO and will earn transferrable college credits at the same time you complete your high school curriculum. Classes are taught by credentialed faculty in various formats including online, online live and in-person at NEO campus, your high school or other sites.
- Earn transferrable college hours
- Save time earning your degree
- Save money by graduating sooner
- Have access to the NEO facilities
- Train for in-demand careers
- Courses are more demanding
- Classes require strong self-discipline and self-direction
- Failure in a class taken for academic dual credit may affect high school graduation
- Grades earned affect high school ad college GPAs
- Conflicts in college and high school calendars may arise.
Admission as a dual credit student
- Visit with your high school counselor
- Submit an application for admission
- Complete National ACT / Pre-ACT
- Submit an official high school transcript
Concurrent high school students must be eligible to satisfy the high school curricular requirements for college admission no later than the spring semester of their senior year. A high school student admitted as a concurrent student may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college work load of 19 semester credit hours. A student may enroll in a maximum of 9 semester credit hours during a summer semester. For purposes of calculating work load, one high school credit course is equivalent to three semester credit hours of college work.A high school student must meet the following requirements:Accredited High School
- Seniors and Juniors must achieve a minimum composite score of 19 on the National ACT/ Pre-ACT or 3.0 high school GPA.
Home School/Unaccredited High School
- Seniors must be 17 years of age and must achieve a minimum composite score of 19 on the National ACT/ Pre-ACT
- Juniors must be 16 years of age and must achieve a minimum composite score of 19 on the National ACT/ Pre-ACT
To help ensure that a student possesses the skills necessary to be successful in college, a student must obtain a 19 on the National ACT/ Pre-ACT subject score(s) in English, math and/or science to enroll in course work in the respective subject area(s). The student must score 19 or higher in reading to enroll in any other collegiate course(s) outside the subjects of English, math and science. If the student qualifies for admissions based on their overall National ACT/ Pre-ACT score or GPA but does not have a National ACT/ Pre-ACT score of 19 in the subject area they wish to enroll in, they will be allowed to take one placement test per subject per semester. If they receive a qualifying score on the placement test, they will be allowed to enroll in the subject area tested.
Once a student is concurrently enrolled the student may continue enrollment, provided that during the concurrent enrollment period the student achieves a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
To enroll, the student must submit an updated high school transcript & high school schedule each semester.
College courses have three types of charges: tuition, fees and books/materials.
NEO and the state of Oklahoma offer high school tuition waivers for up to 30 college credit hours.
Student tuition waivers are applied to high school student accounts through the Financial Aid Office after the semester drop date. An application is not required.
The High School Tuition Waiver provides for up to 18 eligible credit hours for all Oklahoma seniors, and up to 12 eligible credit hours for all Oklahoma juniors. It is the responsibility of the student to pay for any course feed and materials. Check with your high school counselor for free and textbook assistance.
* Oklahoma state law requires verification of hepatitis B & MMR vaccinations for all students and meningococcal vaccination for students residing in campus housing. Please go to www.cdc.gov or call 1-800-232-2522 to obtain information concerning hepatitis B & MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and meningococcal disease.
NEO A&M College is committed to compliance with the letter and the spirit of the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (PL 101-336) and will continue its practice of non-discrimination against the disabled in education and their access to the facilities, programs and services of the College. For further information or to request accommodations for physical or learning disabilities, you may contact the ADA Coordinator in the Shipley Hall room 315, or call (918)540-6236. Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or other protected category, in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This provision includes, but is not limited to, admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services.
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