Pathways to STEM Careers at NEO
Did you know?
STEM careers are among the fastest growing, in-demand, and highest paying occupations in the U.S.
Take your first step to becoming a Norseman
We’ve made it easy to apply. You’ll complete your application online. It only takes about 30 minutes to apply.
There is no deadline for application submission; however, the earlier you get started the more time you have to ensure everything is ready when it is time to enroll. To be admitted as a degree seeking student, you must have either graduated high school or received a high school equivalency.
We’re ready to help.
There’s a lot to think about when going to school. We’re ready to help you step-by-step through the entire process. Schedule a personalized appointment with a student success advisor.
Student Recruitment
Student Recruitment
- 918-540-6291
- 106, Copen Hall