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Transfer Agreements

Apply NEO credit towards a degree at another college

In many situations, credit you take for classes at NEO can be applied toward degrees you can earn from other four-year colleges. We have articulation agreements in place with a variety of academic institutions listed below along with the associated degree programs your credits can be used for. If you have any questions, contact the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Library Administration Building.

Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College participates in Oklahoma statewide transfer agreements and develops articulation agreements with senior institutions of higher education to provide students with a more seamless transfer of college credit from NEO to the receiving institution. Visit the Academic Transferring page for more information.

NEO has worked specifically with the following colleges and universities to identify the popular bachelor’s degree programs that NEO students are often interested in transferring to complete.

American Public University

Degrees: General Studies, Intelligence Studies, Management or Retail Management

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO Colleges Associate in Arts degree programs and Associate in Science Degree programs to the American Public University Bachelor degrees in General Studies, Intelligence Studies, Management or Retail Management.

American Public University

Degrees: Information Systems Security or Sports and Health Sciences

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO College’s Associate in Science Degree programs to the American Public University Bachelor degrees Information Systems Security or Sports and Health Sciences.

American Public University

Degree: Accounting

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO College’s Associate in Science Degree in Business Administration, Pre-Accounting option, to the American Public University Bachelor of Art degree in Accounting.

American Public University

Degree: Criminal Justice

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO College’s Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice to the American Public University Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice.

American Public University

Degree: Reverse Logistics Management

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO College’s Associate in in Science degree in Business Administration or the Associate in Science degree in Business Administration, Pre-Accounting option, to the American Public University Bachelors degrees in Reverse Logistics Management.

American Public University

Degrees: Transportation and Logistics Management

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO College’s Associate in in Science degree in Business Administration or the Associate in Science degree in Business Administration, Pre-Accounting option, to the American Public University Bachelors degrees in Transportation and Logistics Management.

Baker University

Degree: General Education Requirements

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from NEO College’s Associate in Arts degree programs or Associate in in Science degree programs to Baker University. The agreement provides for transfer of the general education component of degree programs.

Missouri State University

Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science in Agriculture

Missouri State University General Agriculture Pathways Partnership

The Pathways Partnership with Missouri State University (MSU) offers students an opportunity to complete the Bachelor of Applied Science in General Agriculture through MSU while remaining at the NEO College campus in Miami. The agreement states the conditions for participation in the partnership and the transfer of courses from NEO’s associate degree to the Pathways Program. Information about the program is available on the MSU website here or contact Dr. Mary Booth at Mary.Booth@neo.edu or 918-540-6998.

Ottawa University

Ottawa University (pdf)

The agreement with Ottawa University states the eligibility requirements for a scholarship offered to NEO Native American graduates and students with at least 30 credit hours, and the criteria for transfer of courses from NEO College to Ottawa University. For more information, contact Rachel Lloyd at rlloyd@neo.edu or call 918-540-6785.

Pittsburg State University

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing 

Pittsburg State University – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (pdf)

This agreement with Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, delineates the qualifications and application process for provisional admission and for full admission of NEO Nursing students into to the ADN-BSN program at Pittsburg State University. For information about the agreement, contact Kathleen Norman, NEO Nursing Program Director at Kathleen.Norman@neo.edu or call 918-540-6312 or the PSU Nursing Department at 620-235-4431.

Southwestern Oklahoma State College

Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Parks and Wildlife Law Enforcement

This agreement identifies the courses and conditions for transfer from the NEO College Natural Resource Ecology and Management Associate in Arts degree program to the Southwestern Oklahoma State College Bachelor of Science in Parks and Wildlife Law Enforcement program. For more information, contact Dr. Mary Booth at Mary.Booth@neo.edu or call 918.540.6998.

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