Application and information
ALL documentation must be postmarked by MARCH 25 to be considered for the program, which begins the following summer semester. Please do not submit your application before January of the year you plan to enter the program.
- The program will have limited enrollment due to faculty size and available clinical sites. This class size is set at 15 students.
- Selection of the applicant is based on their TOTAL POINT SCORE. Please see Application Calculation form on the webpage under Application Information. The actual scoring of each applicant is completed by the director and verified by the clinical coordinator and one NEO faculty member who is “blinded” to each applicant.
- All students who apply are notified by e-mail by April 15 of their acceptance into the program.
- An alternate list will be utilized to provide for replacement of those students who do not maintain their eligibility for admission through the spring semester in which they are applying or who decline acceptance.
- Application Form
- Information and Instructions for Application (pdf)
- Confidential Evaluation of PTA Applicant (pdf)
- Job Shadowing Verification Form (pdf)
Application Requirements & Calculation
Prerequisite Courses:
- English I (ENGL 1113)
- English II (ENGL 1213)
- American History (HIST 1483 or 1493)
- American Government (POLS 1113)
- General Psychology (PSYC 1113)
- Medical Terminology (OIS 1113)
Science Courses:
- Introduction to Physics (PHYS 1024)
- Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL 2114)
Note: All prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the semester in which the student is applying. Credit hours for the prerequisites are indicated by the last number in the course name.
Requirements & Recommendations:
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 with no grade below a “C” in the above prerequisites. This includes the mid-term grades in the spring semester the student is applying in.
- No minimum ACT is required. If the SAT was taken instead of the ACT, the ACT/SAT Conversion Chart will be used. It is recommended the applicant have at least a 21.
- 20 physical therapy-related job shadowing hours. 7 hours must be completed in an outpatient setting, 7 hours in an inpatient setting, & the remaining 6 hours can be completed in any physical therapy setting.
- 3 references provided on the “Confidential Evaluation of PTA Applicant” form
Point Value System:
Students are selected into the program based on a point value system. The top 15 applicants with the highest number of points are invited to begin the technical portion of the Physical Therapist Assistant program.
- Sum of the current GPA multiplied by 10
- Weighted ACT composite score above 19 (19-20= 2 points), 22-24= 4 points, 25+= 6 points). The ACT composite score is also used later to get the final point score.
- References from the Confidential Evaluation of PTA applicant (3 points)- Each characteristic on the form is calculated for an average score. The 3 scores are then averaged to determine this point value.
- Application essay (1 point)- Point is awarded based on correct spelling & grammar and the ability to follow instructions.
- Job shadowing essay (1 point)- Point is awarded for correct completion of the essay and the completion of all job shadowing hours.
- Completion of degree (up to 3 points)- 1 point is awarded for completion of a Bachelor’s degree, 2 points for a Master’s degree, and 3 points for a Doctorate degree
- For all Science courses that are repeated, the student will be deducted 1 point.
Student has a GPA of 3.74, an ACT score of 22, and received 4.75 points for the references & essays.
GPA 37.40 points (3.74 x 10)
ACT 4 points
Misc 4.75 points
46.15 x 22 (ACT score)= 1015.3 [final point value)
Upon admission to the program, all students must pass criminal background and sex offender checks, as well as drug screens. Clinical facilities will deny a student access without proper screening, which will cause a student to be unable to complete the clinical course and continue in the program. The state licensing boards also have the right to deny a license to practice in any individual with a history of criminal background, disciplinary action on another health-related license or certification, or judicial declaration of mental incompetence.
Instructions for Application Essays
Please do not submit ANY part of the application paperwork earlier than January!
Included with the application, the student must submit two (2) essays. Essays will be scored based on proper spelling, grammar, the ability to follow directions, and inclusion of all required information. See the specific instructions for each of the essays below.
Application Essays:
Personal Essay:
- Your experience and activities since you last attended school (if more than one year has elapsed)
- The things you have accomplished in life that have given you the greatest satisfaction
- How you most enjoy spending your leisure time
- The reason you have chosen the physical therapist assistant program
- The reason for seeking admission to this program
Job Shadowing Experience Essay:
Once you have completed the twenty (20) hours of volunteer/ job shadowing experience, write a response to the following questions, and include with your application. Please limit your response to 500 words or less for the entire essay.
- What did you learn about physical therapy from this experience?
- What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
- What did you like best about the experience?
- What did you like least about the experience?
Estimated costs
Physical Therapist Assistant Program**
Tuition & Fees (43 credit hours)* | $7471.25 |
Books & Supplies | $242 for 3 semesters (approximate) |
Physical Exam | $45 (approximate) |
Liability Insurance | $15 |
Immunizations (Hepatitis B) | $150 (approximate) |
Criminal Background, Drug Screening, & Immunization Tracking | $118 (approximate) |
CPR Certification | $10 |
Name Badge for clinicals | $10 |
Program Exit Exam | $35 |
NEO PTA Program Polo | $30 |
Total | $8126.25 |
Transportation to & from clinical rotations and any other costs required to complete them are the responsibility of the student. These costs are not included in this estimate.
There are costs incurred with licensure. There is a state licensure fee, criminal background check and/or drug screen, licensure exam fee, and exam site fee. The state license fee and criminal background and/or drug screen varies by state. The licensure exam fee and site fee are set by the company who administers the exam. Those costs are the same regardless of the state.
Board Exam Review Course | $250 (fundraising options available for this one) |
Physical Therapist Assistant Board Exam | $485 |
Prometric Site fee for exam | $92 (as of 1/1/2025) |
State of Oklahoma License Fee | $135 |
*This is the in-state tuition rate per credit hour as of July 1, 2024. At this time, all United States students accepted to the PTA program qualify for in-state tuition. Application must be made with the Financial Aid Office to receive the out-of-state waiver.
**These are estimated costs based on available information. They are subject to change without prior notice to the student.
This list does not include the cost for pre-requisite courses.

Physical Therapist Assistant
- 918-540-6361
- 202, Cunningham Hall
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