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Remote Instruction Tuesday, Feb 18

Offices closed due to winter weather. Access coursework on Canvas.

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  • Everyone is asked to assist in making the campus a safe place by being alert to suspicious persons and reporting them as outlined below.
  • If you are the victim or are involved in any on-campus violation of the law such as assault, robbery, theft, overt sexual behavior, etc., Do NOT Take Any Unnecessary Chances!
  • Notify Campus Police at extension 6300 (after hours at (918)533-1243) as soon as possible and supply them with the following information:
    • Nature of incident
    • Location of incident
    • Description and names of person(s) involved
    • Description of property involved
  • If you witness a criminal act or if you notice a person(s) acting suspiciously on campus, immediately notify Campus Police and give them the information outlined in number “3” above.
  • Assist the Campus Police officers when they arrive by supplying them with all additional information and ask others to do the same.

Armed Intruder
    Should a weapon be fired on or near campus, you should take cover out of the range of fire immediately and use all available concealment. After the shooting stops, if possible, notify campus police at extension 6300..
    • Under all circumstances attempt to stay calm and be alert to situations that you can exploit to your advantage. Remember that the primary objective of your family and law enforcement officials is to secure your safe return as quickly as possible.
    • Do not attempt to fight back or to struggle physically. No matter how “reasonable” your captors appear on the surface, they cannot be trusted to behave normally and their actions may be unpredictable. The initial 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Avoid arguments.
    • Comply with the instructions of your abductors as well as you can.
    • Do not discuss any action that may be taken by your family, friend or employer.
    • Make a mental note of all movements including times in transit, direction, distances, speeds, landmarks along the way, special odors and sounds like transportation, bells, construction, etc.
    • Whenever possible, take note of the characteristics of your abductors, their habits, surroundings, speech mannerisms, and the contacts they make. Such information can be of great value in their ultimate apprehension.
    • No attempt to escape should be made unless it is indicated that your life is in imminent danger. Carefully consider the best possible odds for success.
    • Avoid provocative remarks to your abductors. They may be unstable individuals who react explosively and may become violent and abusive.
    • Try to establish some kind of rapport with your captors.

Active Shooter

Active Shooters are extremely unpredictable, making it impossible to formulate a plan that guarantees everyone’s safety. However, the following guidelines have proven effective in dealing with these types of situations.

  • SURVIVAL MINDSET– You must mentally shift into a mindset of survival.
  • AWARENESS – Understand your situation.
  • PREPARATION – Develop effective response strategies.
  • REHEARSAL – Practice your response plan. If not physically, do so mentally.
  • GET OUT– If you can safely escape, leave the area of danger as quickly as possible. Trust your instinct. Be mindful, not fearful.
  • HIDE OUT– Locate a place to hide that offers protection. Avoid places that trap or restrict movement. Close windows and window treatments, and turn off lights.
  • KEEP OUT– If possible, locate a room that locks. Blockade the door. Be silent.
  • TAKE OUT– Utilizing any possible means, eliminate the threat. Spread out. Act as a team. Make a plan. Totally commit to the plan.
  • HELP OUT– Regardless of the chosen course of action, be prepared to help others.
  • CALL OUT– If you can safely do so, call 911 (if on a campus phone, dial 99-911).
  • LAW ENFORCEMENT– When officers arrive, they must assume that anyone could be a threat. Be quiet, make sure your hands are visible, do not move, and follow their directives.

*Adapted from the “Shots Fired” DVD. 2007 Center for Personal Protection and Safety.

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