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In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Offices and campus will be closed Monday, Jan 20th. Campus will reopen Jan 21st.

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Add or Drop Classes

Students who do not plan to attend a class in which they are enrolled are responsible for dropping the class(es). Students may withdraw from either individual courses or from the college during a semester according to established procedures.

Add / Drop a course

Withdrawing from a course

Students must complete the following to withdraw from or “drop” a class:

Using NEO Email:

  • Student will send an e-mail from NEO Email account. 
    • Include Student ID, CRN/Course ID, and request to Drop course .
    • Within the Add/Drop period, e-mail will go to the advisor who will execute the course drop.
    • After the Add/Drop period send email to advisor, instructor, and neoadmission@neo.edu requesting to drop course.
      • Advisor and Instructor, BOTH will Reply All Approving.
  • Within the Add/Drop period the course dropped will not appear on the student’s transcript.
  • After the Add/Drop period and prior to the Automatic W date the course dropped will receive a grade of “W” on the student’s transcript.
  • Obtain a copy of the new schedule from the Admissions & Registrar’s Office or on MyNEO.

Using Drop/Add form:

  • Obtain and complete the Add/Drop form available in the Admissions & Registrar’s Office.
    • Within the Add/Drop period a student may drop with only their advisor’s signature.
    • After the Add/Drop period a student is required to obtain the advisor’s and instructor’s signatures.
  • Submit the completed form to the Admissions & Registrar’s Office.
    • Within the Add/Drop period the course dropped will not appear on the student’s transcript.
    • After the Add/Drop period and prior to the Automatic W date the course dropped will receive a grade of “W” on the student’s transcript.
  • Obtain a copy of the new schedule from the Admissions & Registrar’s Office or on MyNEO.

If a course is not dropped prior to the Automatic W date and is without instructor approval the instructor may issue a W or an F grade.

Adding a course

Students must complete the following to add a class:

  • Obtain and complete an Add/Drop form available in the Admissions & Registrar’s office.
    • During the first week of the Add/Drop period a student may add with only their advisor’s signature.
    • During the second week of the Add/Drop period a student will need their advisor’s signature and the instructor’s signature of the class being added.
  • Any full class will also require the signature of the instructor of the class.
  • Submit the completed form to the Admissions & Registrar’s office.
    • Obtain a copy of the new schedule from the Admissions & Registrar’s office.

NO Course can be added after the Add/Drop Period

Withdrawing from NEO

Students needing to completely withdraw from ALL classes must complete the following:

  • Obtain and complete a Complete Withdraw form available in the Admissions & Registrar’s Office
    • Student will need their advisor’s signature and signatures from their Advisor, Success Center, Library, Financial Aid, Business Office and Admissions Office.
  • Submit the completed form to the Admissions & Registrar’s Office
  • If you completely withdraw within the add/drop period, you can return your books to the bookstore for a refund. After the end of the add/drop period there is no refund.

Written Request

If the student is unable to come to campus the student needs to submit a written request which must include the following information:

  1. Social Security Number or Student ID Number
  2. Full Name
  3. Current Address and Phone Number
  4. Semester and Year of Withdraw
  5. Reason for Withdraw
  6. Signature and Date (Request will not be processed without a signature)

Send your request to
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
Admissions & Registrar’s Office
P.O. Box 3843
Miami, OK 74354

Or you may fax your request to: 918-540-2656
You may also email your request to neoadmission@neo.edu

Refund deadlines

  • 16 week classes: 100% refund if class is dropped before the end of the second week (10 working days)
  • 8 week classes: 100% refund if class is dropped before the end of the first week (4 working days)
  • 4 week classes: 100% refund if class is dropped before the end of the second day of classes

NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THESE DEADLINES. Students should set up their MyNEO account to have a refund deposited electronically. Learn how to set up your MyNEO account for refunds.

Contact Admissions

Library Admin Building, First Floor

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