There’s no need to struggle in your classes.

In-Person Tutoring
First floor of the library.
Drop-in Hours:
8am-8pm on Monday-Thursday
8am-4pm on Friday
Online Tutoring
Access up to 10 hours of free online tutoring per semester.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Available Subjects






Social Sciences
Frequently Asked Questions
How does tutoring work?
Accessing tutoring at NEO is as simple as showing up. You can visit the tutoring center, schedule an appointment, or access live online tutoring 24/7. During your tutoring session, your tutor will help you learn concepts and skills from your classes.
Does tutoring cost me anything?
No. Tutoring at NEO is a free service for all students. You can access up to 10 hours of online tutoring. If you reach this limit, let us know and we can help.
What if I can’t come to campus when the tutoring center is open?
That’s okay! NEO has on-demand online tutoring available 24/7. You can work with a tutor when and how it works best for you. Access Online Tutoring
What other student support services are available?
Students in the Student Support Services (TRIO) program are eligible for one-on-one tutoring in math, science, composition and other general education courses. This grant funded program provides a variety of services to eligible students. For information about the Student Support Services program and eligibility for services, visit the program center on the second floor of Ables Hall or to learn about the program click here.
We’re ready to help.
Tutoring can help you succeed in your classes.
We’re ready to help get you connected with a tutor.