The student body government (SBG) facilitates the cooperation and communication between the administration and the students of Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College. The SBG has the privilege to perfect its own organization and amend its own by-laws, represent the student body in relation with the Board of Regents, administration, faculty, and alumni, initiate and foster college traditions and extra-curricular activities, and grant club status and privileges to those organizations.
An officer team represents the student body government. Student organizations that have been recognized by the student body government and are registered with the Office of Student Affairs are entitled to full representation within the student government. Organizations must be in good standing to have voting rights and receive activity funding. This requires consistent attendance at student government meetings, which are scheduled on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm in the Blue and Gold Lounge while classes are in session.
For more information concerning the student body government, please review the constitution and bylaws in the student handbook.
President—Kimberly Be
Vice President—Jiro Cardenas
Treasurer—Lindsey George
Secretary—Sakyrah Hill
Senator—Kinsley Crane
Senator—Alan Boner