Students attend college to gain knowledge that prepares them for a career. Maintaining academic progress is essential to continuing the path they choose. The following policies apply to all students who attend NEO, whether or not the student has or will receive financial aid at NEO.
Federal regulations (CFR 668.34) require that a student maintain satisfactory academic progress in the course of study being pursued, according to the standards and practices of the institution in which they are enrolled in order to receive aid under the Higher Education Act. These programs at NEO A & M include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Study, Direct Stafford Loans, (subsidized and unsubsidized) Federal PLUS Loan, and Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant and Oklahoma’s Promise. NEO must use both a qualitative standard (GPA) and a quantitative standard (time-based). The following policies apply to all students attending NEO, whether or not the student has or will receive financial aid at NEO.
Qualitative Progress Requirement (GPA)
• A student’s cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) will be evaluated at the end of each semester. In order to be
Quantitative Progress Requirement (Pace)
• At the end of each semester, a student must have satisfactorily completed at least two-thirds, or 67%, of all attempted hours, including transfer credits. Attempted credit hours are those courses for which any grade appears on the student’s transcript, including transfer credits, remedial courses, withdrawn courses, and repeated courses.
• In order to determine a student’s pace, all hours successfully completed are divided by all hours attempted, including all transfer credits, remedial courses, withdrawn courses, and repeated courses.
• Grades of F, W, AW, WF, WP, I, DEV-D, DEV-F, and DEV-I are considered hours attempted but not completed successfully for satisfactory academic progress.
Maximum Time Frame
• The maximum timeframe for which an undergraduate student may receive financial aid may not exceed 150% of the published length of their academic program, measured in credit hours, whether or not the student received any federal aid during this time frame.
• For example, if the published length of a program of study is 60 hours, the maximum number of hours the student may attempt cannot not exceed 90* hours. This includes all transfer hours and prior learning credits that apply toward the student’s current degree.
• When it becomes mathematically impossible for a student to complete their degree in the maximum time frame due to an extremely low pace and/or GPA, the student will lose eligibility for further federal student aid at that time.
• For the length or your particular program, please refer to the NEO catalog.
*60 credit hours x 150% = 90 credit hours
Remedial Courses
Remedial courses are eligible for financial aid and will count toward a student’s attempted hours for the purpose of determining a student’s Pace. Grades of DEV-D, DEV-F, and DEV-I are considered hours attempted, but not successfully completed and will affect the student’s pace calculation.
Incomplete grades are considered hours attempted but not completed successfully until the “I” is removed and changed to a valid letter grade.
Repeated Courses
Students may receive financial aid for repeating a course one (1) time. When a course is repeated, the grade given at the end of the repeated course becomes the official grade. Both grades will remain on the permanent record, but the second grade is used to compute the GPA in the calculation of a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress status. Each repetition will count towards the attempted hours; however, only the course(s) being counted in the GPA calculation will be counted in completed hours for SAP.
Transfer Credits
Transfer credit hours are subject to Satisfactory Academic Progress measurements. All courses from all previous schools are used in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. Transfer courses that are accepted toward a student’s degree at NEO will be counted as attempted hours.
Withdrawn Courses
Courses that a student withdraws from after the refund, or drop/add period, are considered hours attempted toward a student’s pace and maximum time frame.
Changes in Major or Degree
When a student changes major or degrees, the 150% maximum time frame still applies to all credit hours earned at NEO that count toward the new degree, as well as all transfer credits accepted. A student is only eligible to receive financial aid for the completion of three (3) degrees or certificates at NEO.
Consequences of not meeting SAP
Financial Aid Warning
The first semester a student fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) by the end of a semester, the student automatically receives a Financial Aid Warning semester. A student in Warning status is still eligible to receive financial aid but is notified via email that their progress must meet the minimum requirements the following semester or the student will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension.
Financial Aid Suspension
After the Warning semester, if a student is still not meeting the minimum requirements for SAP, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. Students on Financial Aid Suspension are not eligible to receive any federal financial aid; including the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Direct Stafford Loan (both subsidized and unsubsidized), Federal PLUS Loan, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work Study, Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG), and Oklahoma’s Promise.
Financial Aid Appeal Process
- Students who have been placed on financial aid suspension may appeal the decision if there are extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to illness, death in the family, and hospitalization.
- The appeal must be submitted in written form to the Office of Financial Aid. Appeal forms are available in the Office of Financial Aid and on the Forms page of the NEO Financial Aid webpage. The student’s appeal will be forwarded to the Financial Aid Suspension Appeals Committee. This committee consists of the Vice President of Student Affairs, the College Registrar, and the Vice President of Fiscal Affairs. Students should provide supporting documentation with their appeal, if possible, and may be asked for more information by the committee.
- The student will be notified, in writing, of the Appeal Committee’s decision. The decision of the committee is final and cannot be appealed.
- If the student’s appeal is approved, they will be placed either on Financial Aid Probation or on an Academic Plan, depending on the circumstances surrounding their appeal.
- A student may appeal their suspension two (2) times.
Academic Plan
An Academic Plan is an option for some students instead of Financial Aid Probation. An Academic Plan is a plan of study that will include a minimum number of hours and term GPA that a student must complete over the course of more than one semester. If the student follows and successfully completes the Academic Plan, they will be making SAP at the end of the plan timeframe. Each student’s Academic Plan will be unique and may include specific courses, or other requirements, depending on the student’s situation.
Re-establishing Eligibility
If a student’s financial aid appeal is denied, the student may re-establish eligibility for financial aid by successfully meeting the minimum standards for satisfactory academic progress. This can include taking classes at NEO or transferring hours from another institution.

Financial Aid
- 918-540-6244
- 204, D. Dayle Creech Library Administration Building
- 918-540-6233
- 206, D. Dayle Creech Library Administration Building
- 918-540-6191
- 205, D. Dayle Creech Library Administration Building
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