All students need to take FYE 1011. Students with 2+ deficiencies need to also take CLS 1021.
All Elementary Education majors should take Math Structures I (MATH 2413) and Math Structures II (MATH 2513).
Math Structures I is offered in the spring and Math Structures II is offered in the fall, but it does not matter what order the classes are taken, so long as they are both taken while at NEO. It is perfectly fine for a student to take Math Structures II in the fall, then Math Structures I in the spring.
Prerequisite for Math Structures: Intermediate Algebra (MATH 0123)
Math Structures does not count as college math on the graduation check sheet. Elementary Education majors will also need to take College Algebra (MATH 1513) somewhere along the way.
Find out which university the student plans to attend.
OSU | Email the Student Academic Services Unit: |
PSU | Dr. Rozanne Sparks, Director of Teacher Education: 115 Hughes Hall (620)235-4488 |
NSU | Contact information |
MSSU | Contact information & faculty email |
U of A | Contact information & faculty email |
Suggested academic advisors: Glenda Bachman, Jamie Weaver or Kathy Chrismon