Assign Dr. Tatiana Taylor as the advisor for vocal, piano and guitar majors and Adam Compton as the advisor for instrumental majors. (The major is actually “music” for both, so you will determine what their emphasis is to assign the advisor.)
If students come in to be advised and are on a vocal music scholarship, they should be enrolled in Concert Choir. If they are incoming 1st semester freshmen, they should be enrolled in MUSC1641. If they are on an instrumental scholarship, they should be enrolled in Band – MUSC 1601 unless Adam (Compton) specifies differently. If students transfer in with Choir or Band credits, then count up the number of semesters and enroll them accordingly.
The theory and sight-singing classes are sequential, so if a student is changing to music in the spring semester, they should take Fundamentals of Music I plus piano, applied lesson in their voice or instrument and student recital.
Freshman Year
First Semester
- Music Theory I MUSC*
- Sight Singing & Ear Training I MUSC 1531*
- Applied Voice or Instrument*
- Applied Piano<*/li>
- Student Recital MUSC 1000*
- Choir or Band*
- First Year Experience FYE 1011+
CLS 1021 for students with 2+ deficiencies - Freshman Comp ENGL 1113+
- American History or Government+
- College Algebra MATH 1513+
Second Semester
- Music Theory II MUSC 1543*
- Sight Singing & Ear Training II MUSC 1541*
- Applied Voice or Instrument*
- Applied Piano*
- Student Recital MUSC 1000*
- Choir or Band*
- Freshman Comp ENGL 1213+
- American History or Government+
- Computer Proficiency+
Recommended: CS 1103
Sophomore Year
First Semester
- Music Theory III MUSC 2553*
- Sight Singing & Ear Training III MUSC 2551*
- Applied Voice or Instrument*
- Applied Piano*
- Student Recital MUSC 1000*
- Choir or Band*
- Humanities+
- Life Science or Physical Science+
- Controlled Elective+
Second Semester
- Music Theory IV MUSC 2563*
- Sight Singing & Ear Training III MUSC 2561*
- Applied Voice or Instrument*
- Applied Piano*
- Student Recital MUSC 1000*
- Choir or Band*
- Humanities+
- Life Science or Physical Science+
- Required Elective+
* Must be enrolled in these music classes. They are 4-semester sequential offerings.
+ Or other Gen Ed courses or Developmental classes
Students who are pursuing a combined major in Instrumental and Vocal Music should be enrolled in an instrumental lesson for 1 hr. credit and both Choir and Band.
NOTE: Introduction to Music Appreciation MUSC 2573 or American Music Appreciation MUSC 1503 DOES NOT apply to a Music Major. Do not enroll Music majors in either of these courses. Music majors must take Humanities offerings from other disciplines besides music. MUSC1513 is not offered anymore.
Music majors HAVE to take Theory I and Sight Singing I in the first semester, even if they need 3 or more college prep classes. Otherwise, they cannot complete the theory cycle.
Students who are pursuing a combined major in Instrumental and Vocal Music should be enrolled in an instrumental lesson for 1 hr. credit and both Choir and Band.
NOTE: Introduction to Music Appreciation MUSC 2573 or American Music Appreciation MUSC 1503 DOES NOT apply to a Music Major. Do not enroll Music majors in either of these courses. Music majors must take Humanities offerings from other disciplines besides music. MUSC1513 is not offered anymore.
Students with Band scholarships should be enrolled in MUSC 1601